Cassadaga, NY

2021 Newsletter
2020 Newsletter
2019 Newsletter
2016 Newsletter
2015 Newsletter
2013 Newsletter
2012 Newsletter
2011 Newsletter
2010 Newsletter
2009 Newsletter
2008 Newsletter
2007 Newsletter
2007 Newsletter

The Cassadaga Lakes continue to be a great place to live and play. The management of the lakes by the CLA is to be commended. I'd like to thank the directors, member volunteers and summer employees for their continued efforts to make our lakes beautiful.

The CLA has been working diligently over the winter months to prepare for the upcoming season. The Constitution committee of Brad Blizzard, Tom Cooper, Ron Juzdowski, and Chris MacKrell, revised and updated this document and brought it before the directors. The revised constitution is attached to this newsletter.

The Business and Tourism committee is developing communications to promote activities at the lakes, membership and volunteer involvement in the CLA. An interactive website is being setup - check out the website for our activities and more. Committee members include Chuck Battaglia, Diane Blizzard, Linda & Tom Cooper, Darlene Gilbert, Ron Gross and Teri Seibert.

The Environmental committee is in the process of making connections with different professionals, groups, and individuals dealing with environmental issues concerning the lakes. They will also coordinate environmental activities to keep our lakes clean and beautiful. Members include Chuck Battaglia, Linda & Tom Cooper.

Again, hats off to all those that are working hard for the CLA. We certainly can use more active volunteers to help out with all our events. Call a director and get involved. Support the CLA with you membership and volunteer service. Protect and keep our lakes beautiful!!

Tom Cooper CLA President